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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451;
1. Ph.D Scholar, Deapartment of Physical Education, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Sehore (M.P.)
2. Supervisor, Deapartment of Physical Education, Sri Satya Sai University of Technology & Medical Sciences, Sehore (M.P.)
The main purpose of study was to explored the sports achievement of Vikram Awardee Deepa verma volleyball player. The present study was designed to investigate the achievements of M. P. State Volleyball player towards the promotion of Volleyball game in their own state and India in general and also to study their philosophy with regard to sports as a profession in India, their quality as a player and their contribution to Volleyball at national and international level. Data for this investigation was derived from the Primary sources i.e. direct observation, Questionnaires, Personal records, Documents, Pictorial records and Secondary sources. Based on the objectives laid down in the present the following methods were used to obtain the data. The present study was conducted on Deepa verma Vikram Awardee in Volleyball of M.P. State who represented M.P. volleyball team at National and International level. Based on the findings the analysis of data and interpretation of results are presented. This study is regards to Deepa verma for a lot of achievements in volleyball in India. Researcher concluded that Deepa Verma has participated in various levels of volleyball tournaments from their childhood i.e. Junior and senior National levels, All India Interunibersity level, National Women festival and National Schools Games, Deepa Verma has conducted sports camps in various games and sports. After joining govt.woen college as a sports officer, She had produced more the one hundred women players in different games and sports, whose were taken part part from state to National level sports competitions.
Keywords: Award, sports, Achievement, National, championships.
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