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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2023-84524358/IJPESAS/V12/N4/OCT/2022/A6
1 Sports Officer, Government College, Majholi, Jabalpur (M.P) Email: yshalini69b@yahoo.com
In fact determining the reasons that motivate children to participate in sport has been organized as one of the most critical areas of youth sport, Reasons pertaining to improving skills, fitness, learning new skills, challenge and fun were rated as the most important motives for participating in sports. Participation motivation in badminton was examined with male (n=325) and female (n=198) age 12 to 42 years during respective championships. The questionnaire used in this investigation was prepared by Gill, Gross and Huddeston (1983) to assess motives of children involved in sports. To determine difference in reasons expressed for participation in badminton between male and female players, among the players of different levels of participation and from different regions, MANOVA was carried out using mean scores of factors as dependent variables. Univariate tests used to determine which factors contributed to overall participation level different Post-hoc analysis using Scheffes test was used to find out the significance of difference between ordered paired means. The results from the Questionnaire responses indicated that the most important reasons for participating were to improve skills fitness challenges and learn now skills. Factor analysis suggested popularity fitness/friendship, excitement energy release, skill, miscellaneous activity orientation, team affiliation fitness/avoid boredom female placed more importance on popularity and skill than male aid, but the male and female players of different regions of county do not differ in these reasons for participation in badminton.
Keywords: Motivation, Badminton, sex, Senior, Junior, Inter-university, Schools, players.
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