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1 | PARTICAPATION OF GIRLS IN PHYSICAL ACTIVITES AND SPORTS Author: Dr Alok Kumar Pandey | 42-47 | ![]() |
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2023-55436291/IJPESAS/V12/N4/OCT/2022/A5
1 Assistant. Professor, Department . of Physical Education R, S, Govt. Degree College, Shivrajpur, Kanpur (U.P.)
The gender discrimination is also evident in play activities for boys and girls. Girls playing outside the courtyard of the family house are not socially accepted practice where as traditionally boys have been playing outdoor games. Even among the hobbies pursued by boys and girls there is gender discrimination .Till recently very few girls participated in sports events, but now awareness has brought about change in gender differences in sports and play. There are many factors which may effect on girls participation in games and sports .1).There is a lack of orientation of the people living in Indian society taking part in games and sports for girls has not became a common phenomenon.2).Whatever little facilities for games and sports are available to girls, they are confined to urban areas. The rural girls are deprived of taking benefit of such facility.3).The habit of participation in games and sports is not inculcated systematically in rural areas.4).There is a general superstition among the people that girls’ participation in games and sports causes loss of feminity. The participating girls might look ‘Tom Boys’.5). The girls in our society of rural areas have to look after the family/household jobs to be good house wives.6). The male dominating society assumes that the personality of women should be submissive, introvert, delicate, sensitive, tolerant, shy, weak and sincere.
Evidence suggests that from an early age, differences in gender-based attitudes towards and opportunities for sports and physical activities can have a significant influence on girls’s participation. This may, in turn, affect later involvement in physically active lifestyles, and the social and health benefits that may result for them. Factors influencing girls’ participation.
Keywords: Participation, Girls, Physical activity, psychological factors.
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