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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2023-48383141/IJPESAS/V12/N4/OCT/2022/A4
1 Former Chief National Gymnastic Coach, SAI Training Centre Indore (M.P.) established by SAI, Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, New Delhi
The purpose of this study was to investigates the correlation between performance and anxiety in sports. This study also includes a discussion the theoretical concept of anxiety and way of relationship with sports performance.. This concept of research conducted on the correlation between performance and anxiety in sports is discussed. The anxiety has an effect of anxiety on performance of athletes during a competition. A review of related literature of cognitive-behavioral treatments, is used for reduction of anxiety and increase the sports performance in sports. The are achieved by An individual in sports can achieve the top performance through psychological states i.e. depression, anger, fatigue, confusion high levels of vigor and low level of tension. It is therefore necessary to consider all aspects of psychological functioning of an athlete if sport psychologies are to have a maximum impact.
During the symptoms like short of breath, sweating, shaking or high heart beat rate, an athlete can lose his concentration in his task in competition. Athlete can loose his confidence He did not able to complete his task or for the success. During this moment, he will have to understand that how anxiety is effecting his performance and what is relationship between them. Anxiety can effect his performance in many ways i.e. physiological, cognitive and behavioural ways. When the body of an athletes in tension and under high blood pressure, then he can not coordinate with his action of skill. In this situation movements may be jerky which will effect the performance in negative way.
Keywords: Anxiety, stress, tension, sport performance, psychological factors.
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