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Author: Dr. Vijay Singh & Dr. Dharmendra Kumar
01-05 8

Article info

doi no.: 05-2016-44975451DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2023-61164825/IJPESAS/V12/N4/OCT/2022/A1

1 Director of Sports, University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan, India
2 Assistant Professor, University of Kota, Kota, Rajasthan, India


Yoga is a science of healthy living and for everyone yoga is a fashion for keeping himself healthy and fit. While for some others it’s a boon for developing their concentration, memory and creativity. Yogic exercise helps to improve muscle strength, muscular flexibility, stamina, immune system, perceptual sharpness, intelligence, memory, emotional stability and overall maintain a positive physical and mental health. Most of the common health and social problems cannot be solved through germ theories, antibiotics, vaccines or surgeries. The fascinating diagnostic tool has started pointing to the role of mind on matter. Biochemical, psychological, neuro-physiological and immunological researchers are recognizing the role of lifestyle, stress, suppressed emotions and so on as the cause of many of the challenges faced today. Hence health professionals are forced to accept the paradigm shift in the approach of understanding human health problems. The frustrated patients are now moving towards alternative non-scientific therapies for a better living. Yoga with its multifold advantages, is gaining popularity in all parts of the world. For a common man yoga is a fashion for keeping himself healthy and fit. While for some others it’s a boon for developing their concentration, memory and creativity. Yoga is the best way to get relieved from mental stress and tensions practice of yoga makes a human being free from all mental tensions. Yoga is an easy way of keeping up health and mental peace.

Keys: Yoga, Fitness, modern lifestyle, Physical Fitness.


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