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Author: Dr. Dattatray Nivrutti Shimpi1
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2022-45779151/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V12/I3/A5


1 Director of Physical education and Sports, KKHA Arts, SMGL Commerce & SPHJ Science College Chandwad. Dist Nashik ( Maharashtra) dn.shimpi@gmail.com 9689092092


The purpose of study was to find out the effect of  Yoga and physical fitness training on physical fitness of Inter-collegiate Football players. The study was incorporated for 40 Inter-collegiate level  football players The age range of the football players was  19 to 26 years. The physical fitness training (Push-up, Pull-ups, Sand Training, Circuit training and aerobic and general physical Exercises) and  yogic practices were planned for 12 weeks for Inter-collegiate level football players from Monday to Friday for one hour. The pre-test was taken for both treatment and control group before start of the intervention. The   physical fitness  test were conducted to measure the muscle strength, muscular endurance, cardiovascular endurance, strength, sprints, change of direction with speed and flexibility. The results of study indicated  that Inter-collegiate level Football players  of control group were found similar in all the components of physical fitness i.e. muscular strength, muscular Endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and BMI  and Football players  of treatment  group were also found dissimilar in flexibility. The effect of yoga on flexibility was observed  among  Inter0collegiate  level football players.

Keywords: Yoga, Physical fitness, Football players, physical training exercise.


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