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1 | ASSESSMENT OF KNOWLEDGE AND HYDRATION AWARENESS AMONG SWIMMERS Author: Purnima Bharam1 and Akshada Kocharekar 2 | 24-29 | ![]() |
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2022-65138672/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V12/I2/A6
1 M.Sc. (Agricultural science), Department of Health and Nutrition, Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi, India , E-mail: purnima.thakare@gmaiI.com
2 M.Sc. ( Dietetics and Food Service management), Department of Health and Nutrition, Indira Gandhi National Open University New Delhi, India, E-mail : akshada251@gmaiI.com
Hydration plays an important role in performance of the swimmers. Swimmers are in water hence many times they don't realize the need of water but they have massive energy expenditure and need proper intake of water and nutritional fluid to remain hydrated (Raplh Teller, 2011). The study was conducted to check the knowledge of hydration among the swimmers. Responses were collected form the swimmers of various age group who are the professional swimmers and participate in the State, National and International swimming competitions regularly. A self-administered questionnaire was shared among the swimmers to collected the responses. Based on those responses the awareness of water consumption and nutritional fluid was analysed. It was observed that the swimmers lack the knowledge of hydration they rely on coaches, media, internet to get hydration knowledge which is not sufficient. The amount of water consumption during a day was studied in which it was found that only 10% swimmers in the age group of 19 years and above consume the right amount of water (3-4 litre) as recommended by Institute of Medicine (Joe Buchanan, 2017). It was also observed that few swimmers consume excess water in a day (>5 litre) due to which the sodium present in the blood may get diluted. It was also observed that 50% swimmer of various age group never consumed nutritional fluid during the training and many swimmers face the dehydration symptoms like tiredness, fatigue, muscle pain and cramps.
Keywords: Hydration, Swimmers, Water, Nutritional Fluid.
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