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Author: Dr. Dharmendra singh Narwaria1, Dr. Ashish Kumar Nigam2, Dr. Vivek Badhe3
19-23 10

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2022-91249151/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V12/I2/A5


1. Sports Officer, Dean Student Welfare, Jawaherlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidhalaya,  Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)

2. Sports Officer, Dean Student Welfare, Jawaherlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidhalaya,  Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)

3.  Assistant Professor, , Jawaherlal Nehru Krishi Viswavidhalaya,  Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh)



In the early stage computer science and informatics technology were used for the biomechanical analysis of human traits, various kind of forces implementation, assessing the C.G. etc, the coaches and sports experts started analyzing of sports technique and game patterns by the help of recorded, collected and interpreted the value and features of the movements.  Over the past century, computer technology has affected  the athletes as well as officials in various sports.  So, modified the  way sports to prepare for playing in sports which should be  reviewed by officials. Computer Technology is used most of sports scientists  involved in a current sporting event.  If look back in the past depth of the history of these discipline. The involvement of computer science & informatics in 1960, initially it was used for the collection of sports data, records and literature, gradually, in 1970 with great changes database was developed.

 Nowadays, nobody can assume any field without computer science, it helps individual to make faster and precise, positive in sports, it has changes the complete scenario of sports. Sports science and computer science is an inter-disciplinary section but both have similar objectives and goal, in combines form the theoretical and practical aspects. Therefore, computer and sports sciences work as a mutual associate, as sports science associated with the form of use of data, media, models, analysis, historical data and technique patterns. Computer is a prevalent and pioneer gift in modern era. Its changes the human life style and working capacity, Computer science has involvement in every field whether it is agriculture, medical, research, business, education, administration, industry, business and sports.

Key word: Technology, Computer, Technique, Biomechanical Analysis, iso- kinetic etc.


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