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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2022-31363648/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V12/I1/A5
- Research scholar, Department of Physical Education R.D.V.V. University Jabalpur (M.P.)
- Head, Department of Physical Education R.D.V.V. University Jabalpur (M.P.)
The aim of the present study was to study and compare the level of intention of Aggressive behavior and foal orientation of national level male and female kabaddi players. To attain the objective of the research 240 kabaddi players were selected as the subject. Out of 240 kabaddi players 120were female and 120 were male players participated 65th Senior National Kabaddi Championships held at Hyderabad in the Year 2017-2018. The Task and Ego Orientation in Sports Questionnaire by Duda & Whitechead, (1998) was used to assess depositions towards Task and Ego Orientation. To measure the Intention of Aggressive Behavior, a tool constructed by Buss and Perry (1992) was used. Results concluded that the male Kabaddi players are high on intention of physical aggression and verbal aggression in comparison to female Kabaddi players. Overall, the research concluded that male kabaddi players possess moderate level of are more violent than female kabaddi players. Comparative results on task and ego oriented found that male kabaddi players proved to be higher in ego orientation when compared to female kabaddi players in the present study.
Keywords: Intention, Aggressive Behaviour, Goal Orientation, Kabaddi, National Players.
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