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Author: Akshita Goel and Anilendu Pramanik
06-19 16

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

           DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2022-34915863/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V12/I1/A2


1. MYAS-GNDU Department of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, Punjab, India. PIN: 143005

2.  MYAS-GNDU Department of Sports Sciences and Medicine, Guru Nanak Dev University,  Amritsar, Punjab, India. PIN: 143005

*  Corresponding author : Akshita Goel, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar, India. Email id: akshgoel1411@gmail.com


Background: Sport-related concussion (SRC) is a highly ubiquitous injury afflicting millions of sport-persons. Regarding underlying pathophysiology and long-term neurologic repercussions of SRC, literature encompasses a broad range of conclusions. The number of SRCs sustained and associated symptomology have been subject to conflict with mixed results. Thereby, the objective of this systematic review was to fill lacunae on implications of SRCs and determine whether concussion count has considerable adverse effects. Methods: Electronic literature search was developed utilizing a Peer Review of Electronic Search Strategies Checklist. Reporting conforms to Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses checklist. Google-scholar, PubMed, Medline were systematically searched to identify articles with limits to English, published between January 2001-July 2021. Review articles, editorials, and gray literature were excluded. Articles were critically appraised using Structured Effectiveness for Quality Evaluation of Study scoring and risk of bias assessment using Downs & Black checklist. Results: 1679 articles were identified. 40 met inclusion criteria. They were reviewed and data were extracted. Conclusions: Given the dearth of available data, this systematic review includes parameters for SRC prognosis and highlights novel domains and future perspectives for SRC research. It was observed multiple self-reported SRCs have non-significant impacts in long term. Symptom reporting was related to psychiatric history, career duration, playing position, substance abuse, and lastly the number of concussions. Varying implications are attributable to premorbid cognitive-reserve, injury type, genes, concussion timing, or as-yet-unidentified factors. Concussion count doesn’t impact treatment interventions response. Utilizing advanced imaging and biomarkers may provide additional understanding of by identifying changes in brain physiology.

Keywords: Sport-Related Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, Neuropsychological Testing.


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