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Author: Mrs. Sudha Goyal1
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

          DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/01.2022-89597288/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I4/A10


  1. Assistant Professor, . D. P. Vipra  College, of Education,  Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh), Mobile-8770229546, E-mail-goyalsudha135@gmail.com

The problems of adjustment have become therefore very important in our complicated and civilized society that psychologists have turned their deep interest in understanding the concepts in the real sense. The present analysis was to compare the adjustment between male and female students belonging to  higher secondary schools of  Bilaspur district. A sample of Fifty (Males=25, Females= 25)) students' happiness to degree faculty of education of Bilaspur district and who volunteered to participate during this study, were designated to function subjects for this study. AICS by Sinha & Singh   in Hindi  was implemented to all the respondents. Questionnaire consisted of 102 questions to live 5 dimensions of adjustment viz., Home (l6), Health ( 15), Social (19), Emotional(31), and educational (21) and total adjustment. To  find the difference between male and female  students,  mean, SD, and t-ratio were computed.  The SPSS 16.0 computer program was used to investigate the collected data. The  results of the study revealed that the significance difference was found  between  deaf  boys and girls in four dimensions of adjustment i.e. Home, Health,  Social,  and emotional adjustment,  Significance difference was not found  between  deaf  boys and girls in four dimensions of adjustment i.e. Home, Health,  Social,  and emotional adjustment, The normal  boys and Deaf boys; Normal girls and Deaf girls;  Deaf boys and Normal girls;  Normal boys and Deaf girls  and deaf students and normal students had  statistically   significance  of difference in three dimensions of adjustment i.e. Home, Health,  and emotional  dimensions of adjustment, as the obtained.  The normal  boys and Deaf boys; Normal girls and Deaf girls;  Deaf boys and Normal girls;  Normal boys and Deaf girls  and deaf students and normal students  did not differ significantly  in social type of adjustment.

Keywords: Deaf, Normal, Students, Boys, Girls, Adjustment, Schools.


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