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1 | COMPARISION OF TASK AND EGO-ORIENTATION OF MALE PLAYERS KABADDI AND KHO-KHO PLAYERS Author: Manish Mukherji 1, Dr. Jai Shankar Yadav2 | 45-50 | ![]() |
Article info
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/01.2022-96925723/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I4/A7
- Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.
- Head, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.
The purpose of the study was to assess and compare the task and ego orientation of male Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players of inter-university level. For this purpose, one hundred and twenty male Kabaddi (N=60) and Kho-Kho (N=60) players of inter-university level were selected as the subject of the study and ages ranged between 18 to 27 years. The Task and Ego Orientation in sports Questionnaire (TEOSQ) prepared by Duda and Nicholls was used to measure goal orientation. To determine the significance of difference between the scores on sports orientation of Kabadi and Kho-Kho players, mean, standard deviation, and t-ratio were computed. The results of the study revealed that the male Kabaddi and Kho-Kho players of inter-university level differed significantly in their task orientation and ego orintation. Results of the study also revealed that the male Kabaddi players are more involved in goal orientation than male Kho-Kho players.
Keywords: Kabaddi, Kho-Kho, Task orientation, Ego Orientation, Interuniversity level.
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