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Author: Ravindra Thakur 1 and Dr. B. John 2
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

          DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2021-35613899/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I4/A5


  1. Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.
  2.  Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.

The present study aimed to compare the coping skills of high and low achiever national female hockey players. The sample for the present study includes 50 high achievers and 50 low achievers female field hockey players. The selection of high achiever female hockey players was done from the first three ranked teams in a national level hockey tournament. The selection of low achiever female hockey players was done from the bottom three ranked teams in a national level hockey tournament. The sample was selected through purposive sampling with an average age of the sample was 23.11 years. To assess the coping skills of female hockey players, inventory prepared by Smith et al. (1995) was considered appropriate. It was found that the coping skills of high achiever (medal winner) national female hockey players were significantly superior as compared to low achiever (non-medal winner) national female hockey players. It was concluded that high achiever national female hockey players have more sustained and better cognitive and behavioural efforts to overcome the requirement of that particular circumstance or event as compared to low achiever national female hockey players.

Keywords: Coping skills, Female,  Hockey, National level,  High and Low Achiever.


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