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1 | EFFECTS OF WEIGHT TRAINING ON PERFORMANCE OF LONG JUMPERS Author: Dr. Anil M. Makwana1and Dr.Sonal S. Vasava2 | 98-103 | 8 |
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-45642833/IJPESAS/V11/I2/A1
- Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Govt. College, Silvassa, (U.T. of DNH), India. soccer7anil@gmail.com
- A.V. Patel Commerce College, Bilimora, (Gujarat), India.
The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of Weight training on performance of Long Jumpers. The subjects for the study were 20 male students studying in C.P.Ed course and were assigned at random to two groups (n=10) each. Group A trained with Weight Training, Group B acted as control. The training period for Weight Training experimental group underwent their respective training three days per week for eight weeks in addition to their regular activities. The data was collected in the beginning and at the end of 8 weeks experimental period in terms of pre and post test. A systematic and scientific training schedule was adopted for all the subjects and loading principles in mind. t-test was applied to find out the differences in pre and post test scores of Group A, and B. The significance was tested at 0.05 levels. It was found that Weight Training is effective Training for long jumpers.
Keywords: Weight Training., long Jump, athlete, Training group, Control Group.
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