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Author: Fabrice Uwayo1
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2021-17458147/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I3/A6


  1. M.Sc. Sports Management and Policy Development,  Pan African University, Email: fabulossxx@gmail.com

Every sport has its own demands and these demands can be either physical, mental as well as social. Sports followers will always expect more from an athlete without, most of the times, considering the welfare of the athlete rather, always assuming that he or she is fit to bear their colors and keep or build their legacy. Sports administrators, managers and coaches need to understand what is necessary to do for a player to give his or her best as they must know the real reason behind players’ success or failure. It is in this regard that, to ensure regular and promising positive achievements, Player development has to be done strategically, purposefully and in a long term process of talent identification and development, respecting the development of all qualities expected from a strong and competent player on all aspects of physicality (Physical Fitness), mentality (Mental fitness) and keeping a positive social image (Social fitness). This article highlights the necessity of physical fitness testing and monitoring, with football taken as a reference, a highlight of basic fitness testing and monitoring practices that are easy to construct, use and assess. It is recommended that every fitness coach or talent identifier and developer chooses a specific test respecting the target physical aspect (Strength, Speed, Weight, Agility) and use a proper intensity measure with respect to age, gender, competition level and lifestyle of athletes. It is also recommended, as science improves, to pick an approved fitness test specific to a sport and remain up to date on improvement and changes that can be made on a certain test.

Key words: Fitness,  Soccer, Athletes, Coaches, BMI, Talent, Physical ability.


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