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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2021-77815186/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I3/A1
- Sports Officer, Government College, Majholi, Jabalpur (M.P) Email: yshalini69b@yahoo.com
In order to assess the relationship between leisure activity and life satisfaction among one hundred and seventy ( 85 male & 85 female) teachers from different colleges of Rani Durgawati University, Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh ,India. The age of teachers ranged between 23 to 63 years. A questionnaire consisting of socio-demographic variables, degree of life satisfaction, health status and frequency of participation in different leisure activities was administered on all the subjects. Zero order correlations between degree of life satisfaction and leisure activity participation of male teachers indicated that activities like “perform volunteer work”; “attend cultural events”; “holiday trips”; and “gardening” were significantly correlated. In case of female teachers “perform volunteer work”; “engage in artistic and musical activities”; “perform handicraft and home repairs”; “participate in sports” and “attend sports events” were significantly correlated with life satisfaction. Partial correlations (controlling the age & medical condition) no change in activities was observed for male teachers. In female participants “attend cinema”; and “attending classical\ gazal concerts” were added. In female teachers, surprisingly “visiting neighbor” was negatively correlated with life satisfaction.
Keywords: Leisure, Life Satisfaction, College Teacher, Male, Female, Happiness.
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