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Author: Dr. Rajkumar Sharma1 and Dr. Ashish Kumar Nigam2
116-125 9

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-23483585/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A17


  1. Chief Gymnastic Coach, Sports Authority of India, posted at  NSTC, Malhar Asharam, Indore (M.P.) ,9229144090, E-mail - sharmagym59@yahoo.co.in
  2. Sports officer, JNKVV, Jabalpur MP, dr.aknigam@gmail.com, Mob. 9826348748

The purpose of the study was to assess and investigate the personality characteristics of male Male Kabaddi Players  at different levels of  their participation. The sample consisted of  one hundred and fifty (Intercollegiate level=50, State level=50, Inter-university level=50) male Kabaddi players from universities and colleges running in  Chhattisgarh state, who have taken part in intercollegiate, state and inter-university level Kabaddi tournament. Propulsive research design was used for the purpose of study. Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire-R (E.P.Q.-R) prepared by Eysenck and. Eysenck [16] was selected to measure the four dimensions of personality of national level Gymnasts of India. The Eysenck's Personality Questionnaire- R (E. P. Q.-R) is a valid and reliable instrument. In order to find out the significant difference among male  Kabaddi Players of different levels, , mean, SD and F-ratio were computed, level of significant was set at .05 level. The results of analysis indicated that the Neuroticism,  psychoticism  and social desirability temperaments were found high in state level kabaddi players than their counter parts. where as , Extroversion  temperament was high in Intercollegiate level kabaddi players   than their counter parts. F-ratio  resulted significant difference  among male kabaddi players of three different levels of participation  in their neuroticism temperament. But they did not differ significantly in  their  rest of the temperament of personality.

Keywords: Male,  Kabaddi, Personality Factors, State, Intercollegiate and  Inter-university  levels.


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