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1 | A REVIEW OFTHE EFFECT OF PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS ON SOCCER PLAYER’S PERFORMANCE Author: Nima Nakisa 1 and Mahboobeh Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar 2* | 86-101 | ![]() |
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-67228445/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A14
1. Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Kish International Campus, University of Tehran, Niyayesh St., Mirmohanna Blvd., Kish Island, Iran., Tel.: +98 9123092236 Email: nimanakisa1354@yahoo.com
2.*University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, E-mail Address- ghasemzadeh_mahboobeh@yahoo.com Mobile- +98 9151564700; Corresponding author
Soccer is a popular sport with a large number of players all over the world. Alongside, its considerable economic and social effects it also has a remarkable impact onhealth and recreation. It is necessary to find out the factors which influence soccer players’ performance. Most researches have assessed physical, physiological, and biomechanical factors but nowadays psychological factors such as confidence, motivation, goal setting, self-talk, relaxation, imagery, attention, and anxiety control are introduced as important items responsible for each individual soccer player as well as the team success. Thus, the leaders and coaches of soccer teams should increase their knowledge in this field and learn new methods to elevate the players’ and coaches’ psychological skills to be able to compete with professional components and reduce the negative impacts of stress, anxiety, depression, and exhaustion on their players. The main goal of the present study is to review how psychological factors affect the performance of soccer players.
Keywords: Soccer, Performance, confidence, motivation, goal, self-talk, relaxation, imagery, attention, anxiety.
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