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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-39896568/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A1
- Assistant Teacher, Department of Physical Education, Govt. Model Madrasah (Eng) Murshidabad, WB kayumsitai@gmail.com Whatsapp: +91 8927978976
In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare physical fitness components namely speed, strength, endurance, agility, flexibility and sit-ups . The main purpose of the study was to measure the motor fitness levels of physical education students and measure the difference of the students to find out the status of physical education students in the district of Cooch-Behar under West-Bengal. Present study was conducted to observe the Physical fitness status Rajbanshi and Bengali college students. The subjects of the present study were taken from Cooch-Behar College, Dinhata college and Tufangang college Physical Education students. Total seventy students were selected as subject (both male and female) for the present study. Age were ranged between 18 to 22 years. The subjects were principally of two categories i.e. general Bengali students and Rajbanshi students. AAHPER Youth Fitness Test (AYFT) was taken for the measuring physical fitness components like speed, agility, explosive leg strength, hand and shoulder strength, abdominal muscle strength, cardio vascular endurance etc. To collect information for the present study following tools are used as measuring tape ,cone and marker for field marking, pull up or chin up bar for hand and shoulder strength, whistle for signal, stopwatch for time, score sheet for data collection. The tests was tested to the AAHPERD youth physical test manual. He concluded that the urban school boys had better performance in Pull-ups and Bent knee sit-ups than rural school boys. He also observed that in case 50 meter dash for speed and SBJ for explosive and strength straddle chin is quite better than General students. In the case of 10x4 meter shuttle run, pull up, sit up for Bengali students is better than Rajbanshi students.
Key Words: Physical Fitness. Rajbanshi. Bengali. AYFT.
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