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1 | A STUDY ON ANXIETY REGULATION OF MALE CRICKETERS USING JACOBSON DEEP RELAXATION METHOD Author: Narayanan J1, Dr.R.Jeyalakshmi2, Dr.Shahin Ahmed3 | 70-75 | ![]() |
Article info
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-29155995/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A11
- Research Scholar, TNPES University, Chennai, India, narayananpaaji@gmail.com
- Assistant Professor, SRI SAIRAM Engineering College, Chennai, India, jeyalakshmi.mba@gmail.com
- Professor, TNPES University, Chennai, India, khanshahinkhan@yahoo.co.in
Sport in general has the potential for high levels of stress and anxiety . Cricket is a game of very complex actions .Performance of a cricketer is crucial to his own career and also for his team’s success. Preparation is crucial in both the physical and mental arena. Anxiety is one mental factor which affects the performance of cricketers. If the perception of a cricketer about the challenge is greater than the perceived skill, it makes him feel anxious or worried that he may not be able to complete the task without pain or embarrassment, or possibly not complete the task at all. Practicing and employing a range of psychological strategies can be beneficial in anxiety management. To reduce the anxiety level of cricketers, the author used Jacobson Deep relaxation method .This paper discusses impact of Jacobson deep relaxation had on the regulation of anxiety Levels
Keywords: Cricket, Anxiety , Jacobson Deep relaxation, Progressive relaxation technique.
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