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Author: Shankarappa C.1 & Dr. S. V. Arun 2
44-52 11

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-88676741/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A8


  1. Ph.D Scholar,  Physical Education, Sre Manjunatha Swamy First grade college, Saraswathi Nagar, Devangere, Bengaluru, (Karnataka), 9035955478, Mobile-cshankardvg@gmail.com
  2. Director of Physical Education, C.Kandaswami Naidu College for Men, Chennai 600102 gpsmphd@gmail.com

Participation in sports is one among the common traits of human character and it starts to develop from the terribly starting of childhood. The main objective of study was to  analyse  and compare the selected physical fitness and anthropometric variables of male volleyball players of different age groups. A total of forty five male volleyball  players belonging   to  Dr. A. V. N. High School , Davangere, Bengaluru, (Karnatka) ranging between fourteen to sixteen years were selected for the study. The physical fitness variables i.e. Cardio-respiratory endurance, Agility, flexibility and  anthropometric variable i.e. weight, height, body were chosen for the study. Nine-minute run For Cardio-respiratory endurance,  Sit and reach for Low back/hamstring flexibility,   Bent knee sit-ups in one minute for  Abdominal muscle strength/endurance and  Triceps and sub-scapular skin-folds for body Composition were administered. To assess the  selected  physical fitness and anthropometric variables of male Volleyball players ranging between  14 to 16 years of age  means, standard deviations and F-ratio were computed. The results of the study indicated the significant differences among the different age groups of male volleyball players on modified sit-ups and  8 minutes run/walk,.  Significant difference was not seen among male volleyball players from fourteen to sixteen years of age on sit and body composition, The abdominal strength and endurance  had significantly improved with advancement of age.  The cardio-respiratory endurance  of male  volleyball players did not improve significantly  with advancement of  age

Key Words: Physical fitness, Anthropometric, male, volleyball players, Body composition.


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