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Author: Tija Agarwal 1, and Dr. Samridhi Ahuja Bakshi2
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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

Masters in Psychology (Clinical) CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

2. Department of Psychology, CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru, Karnataka, India


Body dissatisfaction and Weight control behaviour among athletes in different types of sports is becoming increasingly pervasive in developing non-Western countries such as India and impacting sport performance. However, there exist a lack of research investigating the relationship between these problems. The current study examined the relationship between body dissatisfaction and weight control behaviour, weight control behaviour and performance as well as gender difference in body dissatisfaction among elite athletes. The study followed the correlational research design. The data was collected from 92 elite athletes (46 males and 46 females) between the ages of 12-22 from India by employing self –report measures of MBSRQ-BASS, EAT-26 and ASPS. The findings of the study suggest that body dissatisfaction was negatively corelated with weight control behaviour. Our results show no corelation between weight control behaviour and decreased performance. Additionally, there was no significant difference between males and females in body dissatisfaction. Educational programs should include strategies to help athletes increase body satisfaction and apply and adopt desirable and appropriate weight control behaviour.

Keywords: body dissatisfaction, elite athletes, performance, weight control behaviour.



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