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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451,
DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-46257948/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A5
- M.B.B.S., M.S (Ortho), Dip. In Sports Med. (JU), Associate professor, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical science & Hospital, 137, K.P. Mondal Road, Buita, Budge Budge, Kolkata – 700137, duttaranjitkumar1952@gmail.com
Present study was done to find out the difference in treatment of Golfer’s elbow in athletes and their effect on them . Fifty athletes, both male and female were selected from different sports. Their age range was between 20 years to 35 years. 6 athletes were lost in follow-up. The diagnosis was done by history , physical examination , radiography , ultrasound and EMG/NCS. They were categorized as mild , moderate and severe types of disabilities. 15 of them were selected for intralesional corticosteroid injections , 15 for physiotherapy and 14 for combined therapy .In 4 weeks improvement was noted with corticosteroid injection group , less with physiotherapy , but good improvement with combined group . In 12 weeks deterioration’ were noted in only injection group , more improvement was noted with physiotherapy group but significant improvement was noted with combined group. At 26 weeks more deterioration with only injection group but excellent improvement was noted with combined group. Even physiotherapy alone group showed better results.
Key Words – Physiotherapy , Intralesional Corticosteroid injections, Categorized.
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