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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; https://doi-ds.org/doilink/04.2024-36787292/IJPESAS/V13/NO.3/JULY-2023/A2
1. Department of Physical Education, IISER, Tirupati
To achieve the purpose of the study, the investigator randomly selected 90 women hockey players from different colleges in Tirupati Chittoor District. The age of subjects for the study was between 17 to 21 years. The selected subjects were divided into three groups, experimental group I, experimental group II and control group consisting of 30 Hockey players in each group. Experimental group I was assigned as Aqua Aerobics exercises group, Experimental group II was assigned as Yogic Intervention group and control group was not given any special treatment and were under strict supervision of the investigator. Prior to experimental treatment, all the subjects were measured of their Physical Physiological and Psychological components such as Speed, RHR and Sports Achievement Motivation. This formed pre-test scores. After 8 weeks experiments to the experimental groups on respective training, all the three groups were tested on criterion variables selected, which formed post test scores. The difference between pre and post test scores was considered as the effect of varied respective experimental treatments. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to find out the significant differences if any, among the groups for each variable separately. It was concluded that eight weeks of Aqua Aerobic exercises and Yogic Practices weresignificantly improved the Physical Physiological and Psychological variables of women hockey Players compared to control group.
Keywords: Aqua Aerobics, Yogic practices, Speed.
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