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Author: Ghanshyam Das Garg1 & Dr. B. John2
08-14 6

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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451

1. Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.

2. Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. CV Raman University, Kargi Road Kota Bilaspur C.G.


The objective of the present study is to assess the effect of spatial awareness and visual motor coordination on the skill ability of intercollegiate male kabaddi players. To conduct the study 100 intercollegiate male kabaddi players were selected. The average age of these subjects was 21.91 years and they represented their respective colleges in intercollegiate kabaddi tournaments organized in Chhattisgarh state. Purposive sampling was used for the selection of subjects. To assess spatial awareness in male intercollegiate kabaddi players of Chhattisgarh, a test standardized by Cesaroni (2007) was used. Reaction time in selected intercollegiate male kabaddi players was recorded with the help of Nelson's simple reaction time test. A mirror drawing test was used to assess the hand-eye coordination of male intercollegiate kabaddi players. The apparatus designed by Johnson and Nelson (1974) was used for the assessment of depth perception. The skill ability of the selected intercollegiate male kabaddi players was judged through the subjective ratings of three judges. Results reveal a significant impact of spatial awareness, reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and depth perception on the skill ability of male intercollegiate kabaddi players with all these variables accounting for 33.4% variance. Based on the results, it may be concluded that spatial awareness and visual motor coordination namely reaction time, hand-eye coordination, and depth perception plays a significant role in determining the skill ability of male kabaddi players. It may also be concluded that spatial awareness and visual motor coordination need special attention while preparing a training plan to enhance the skill ability of the male kabaddi players.

Keywords:   Spatial awareness, visual and motor coordination, skill, kabaddi.


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