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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2023-77231596/IJPESAS/VOL 13/NO. 1/JAN./2023/A6
1 Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) Email-vinaytomar1325@gmail.com
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C.V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh) Email- Kganeshkhandekar@gmail.com
This research paper aims to provide a comprehensive theoritical concept of comparative analysis of the psychological attributes exhibited by male and female players in team sports. The study explores the potential differences and similarities in these aspects based on gender and their implications for team dynamics and performance. The research involved a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews to gather data from diverse sports teams. The findings suggest that while there are some gender-related patterns, individual variations are substantial. Understanding these nuances can contribute to better team management and performance enhancement strategies.
Keynotes: Leader, behaviour, psychological Skills, cohesiveness, gender.
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