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1 | INJURIES AMONG FEMALE FOOTBALL PLAYERS: A CROSS-SECTIONAL SURVEY OF UNDER-17 GIRLS Author: Sedhuraja Malaichamy 1, Satyajit kumbhar 2 | 34-37 | ![]() |
Article info
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451; DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/09.2023-18484471/IJPESAS/VOL 13/NO. 1/JAN./2023/A5
1 Professor, SVJCT’s BKL Walawalkar college of physiotherapy, Sawarde, Ratnagiri Maharashtra, India, msedhu2022@gmail.com, 9994023549,
2 Assistant Professor, SVJCTs BKL Walawalkarcollege of physiotherapy, Sawarde, Ratnagiri Maharashtra, India,www.satyajit.kumbhar@gmail.com,7414994524
The purpose of this cross-sectional survey is to analysis the physiotherapy treatment, injury prevention program, football training, awareness, types, incidence, mechanism and recurrence of injury among female players in Dervan “Energia” football competition (under-17 girls), 2023. Around 34 girls were taken part at SVJCT’s Sports academy, Dervan, Maharashtra. The questionnaire was framed in Google form that related with football related injuries and its prevention program through physiotherapy and rehabilitation. The questions were in English and that were translated through the coaches into their local language in case any misunderstanding. Girls responded their questions before their games. Answers were framed in spread sheet and converted into word format. Results were analysed and suggestions were given to female football players based on their responses.
Keywords: Female football players, Injury awareness, Injury prevention program, Physiotherapy treatment.
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