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doi no.: 05-2016-44975451;
1. Physiotherapy Student, of Physiotherapy, Rimt University.
2. Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, RIMT University.
Primary headache disorders encompass a heterogeneous group of neurologic disorders that cause recurrent or persistent head pain without any clear underlying cause Headache is one of the most common reasons for neurologic consultation.The epidemiology of the maximumpublic primary headache disorders, tension-type headache and migraine, the maximumpublic trigeminal autonomic cephalalgia, cluster headache, as fine as chronic regular headache are lectured in this assessment.The pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie post-traumatic headache remain largely unknown, but several possible disease mechanisms have been proposed, for which we present the supporting data below. These mechanisms contain impaired down modulation, neurometabolic variations and instigation of the trigeminal sensory system.
Keywords: Efficacy, Management, Search strategy, Physiotherapy, Headache.
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