Volume 7-Number 2, April, 2017 May 15, 2017Author name : | Dr. Harendra Singh | ||||
Page no : | 42-47 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05.2017-58949138 DOI Link ::
Dr. Harendra Singh1
1 Lecturer Vijay Singh Pathrik Govt. PG College, Kairana, Shamli (U.P.)-Pin Code-247774.
The purpose of the study was to assess and investigate the preferred leadership behaviour of Indian female volleyball players. For this purpose, Two hundred and thirty four (Females= 234)) National level Volleyball players representing their respective state teams in Senior National Volleyball Competition (W) and who volunteered to participate in this study, were selected to serve as subjects for this study Leadership Scale for Sports developed by P. Chelladurai (1994) was selected as a criterion tool to measure preferences on five dimensions of preferred leadership behaviour of national level male and female volleyball players. To assess the preferred leader behaviour of National level female Volleyball players, means, standard deviations and Analysis of variance (ANOVA) was computed were computed. Wherever, the F-ratio was found significant. The statistical analysis of collected data revealed that the national level female volleyball players exhibited different preferences on five dimensions of leader behaviour. National level female volleyball players preferred in greater amount of training and instruction followed by positive feedback, social support, democratic behaviour and autocratic behaviour from their coaches.
Keywords: Preferences, National level, Gymnasts, Leadership, Behaviour, Females.
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