Volume 7-Number 2, April, 2017 May 15, 2017Author name : | Pooja Attrey , Mukesh Yadav & Dr Sarita Singh | ||||
Page no : | 23-30 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.:05.2017-92481117 DOI Link ::
Pooja Attrey 1, Mukesh Yadav2 & Dr Sarita Singh3
1 Assistant Professor, TDTR DAV IP&R, Yamunanagar, Haryana
2 Assistant Professor, TDTR DAV IP&R, Yamunanagar, Haryana
3 Clinical Physiotherapist , TDTR DAV IP&R, Yamunanagar, Haryana
Background: Many static and dynamic tests have been used in sports and clinical settings to assess hamstring muscle flexibility. However no or very less documented research is available to find relationship between the two of otherwise commonly used tests like passive straight leg raise(PSLR) and V-sit and reach(VSR) test results. Objective: To document relationship between PSLR and VSR results in measuring hamstring flexibility. Study Design: Co relational design. Methodology: 142 healthy adult females aged between 18-25 (out of 150) years were short listed on the basis of inclusion criteria. They were then explained the procedure of the study. The mean of three readings for both PSLR(dominant lower limb) and VSR were taken and co related using descriptive and inferential statistics and Graph Pad In stat version 3.05. Results: The results of this study indicated a significant relationship between the VSR and SLR, for the right (r= 0.5757, p <0.0001) and left lower limbs (r = 0.4666, p < 0.0001).Conclusion: Concluding that VSR and PSLR results are positively correlated , it is recommended that the VSR test can be used as a clinical diagnostic tool in assessing hamstring flexibility.
Keywords: PSLR, VSR, Hamstring Flexibility
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