2021, Current Issues, July, Volume 11-Number 3 August 5, 2021Author name : | Shahariar Kabir, Dr. Mukesh Jat and Rahul Kumar Vishwakarma | ||||
Page no : | 21-35 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/08.2021-57574313/IJPESAS/05.2016-44975451/V11/I3/A4
Shahariar Kabir1, Dr. Mukesh Jat2 and Rahul Kumar Vishwakarma3
1 Sc. Department of Physical Education, NIMS University Rajasthan Jaipur (Rajasthan), India Email-shariear9999@gmail.com.
2 Dr. Mukesh Jat (Assistant professor, Department of physiotherapy) NIMS University Rajasthan Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
3 Diploma in optometry, B. Optometry, NIMS University Rajasthan Jaipur (Rajasthan), India.
The purpose of the study is to find the role of physical exercises in analyzing the effect of myopia disease by experimental analysis of Myopia patients. At present Myopia is a very emerging disease all over the world. The number of young myopia patients is increasing continuously. The most influential factors to increase this problem to used different kinds of digital activities as well as lack of physical activities. These patients suffer from vision problems. This study is based on both kinds of data in which primary data was collected with the help of well-structured questionnaires and secondary data was collected from the National Institute of Medical Science & Research Jaipur Rajasthan India according to convenience. The research methodology has been used in which purposive random sampling implementing to the collection of the data. According to the requirement to analysis, the data we used different statistical tools and techniques has been used like a self-prepared questionnaire, Pen, papers, Visual acuity chart, and smell chart, Auto refract meter, Trail set, Ratinoscope, Eyesight test scale to find out the problem and give some measures to short out the category of myopia with the help of ophthalmologists. Pre and post-test was taken before and after the therapy to find out the difference of Sphere & cylinder in dioptric power of both left (LE) and Right (RE) eyes (SPH +/- 0.25D Reduce = 5%,CYL +/- 0.25D Reduce = 5%). The result is analysis both in Subjective and Objective assessment. After the Overall assessment, we found total improvement was 55% patients, No improvement 45% which is statistically significant at P <.05. According to the categorized assessment improvement percentage of High myopia 45%, significant at p <.05, Low myopia 72%, significant at p <.05, Simple myopia 42.90%, significant at p <.01.
Keywords: Myopia treatment, Yoga therapy, Eyesight, Trataka kriya, Ocular Exercises.
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