2021, April, Volume 11-Number 2 June 12, 2021Author name : | Dr. Ravindra Baliram Khandare | ||||
Page no : | 39-42 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Dr. Ravindra Baliram Khandare1
1 Director of Physical Education & Sports Mula Education Society’s Arts, Commerce & Science College Sonai, Tal:-Newasa. Dist:-Ahmednagar (M.S)-414105,
Today in the age of technology and technology being used in various fields and human beings have no choice but to dose sport and exercise science like have been affected greatly by technological advancements it is difficult to imagine modern sports and various sub disciplines of exercise science technology. The area of technology in sports in growing rapidly astral explain in an example of the resemble technology being used in sports today.
Keywords: Sports, Technology, Games, Advanced, Performance, Football, Athletes, Impact.
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