2021, January, Volume 11-Number 1 February 8, 2021Author name : | J. Kannan 1 & Dr. C. Senthil Kumar2 | ||||
Page no : | 10-18 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-76232535/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A3
Kannan 1 & Dr. C. Senthil Kumar2
1 Head and Assistant Professor, Dept. of Physical Education, Thanthai Hans Roever College ,Perambalur.
2 Teaching Assistant (Physical Education) Agriculture Engg College and Research Institute,(TNAU) Kumulur, Trichy Dist-621 712.
The purpose of this study was to find out the effect of circuit training on grass, gravel and synthetic field on motor fitness and performance variables among college hockey players. To achieve the purpose of the study 80 male hockey players from different arts and science and engineering colleges in Tamil Nadu the selected as subjects and their age group of 18 -25 years. The study was formulated as a true random group design consisting of a pre-test and post test. The subjects (N=80) were randomly assigned to four equal groups of twenty subjects in each group. Namely, Experimental group I was circuit training on grass field (DSEC,Trichy), experimental group II was circuit training on gravel field(SRM college of Engg,Trichy), experimental group III was circuit training on synthetic field (JJ College of Engg,Trichy) and the control group was not given any experiment. Pre tests were conducted for all the subjects on selected motor fitness variables such as speed and Cardio Vascular endurance and Performance variables of dribbling. The training programme alternate days of twelve weeks. The post tests were conducted on the above said dependent variables after the experimental period of twelve weeks for all the three groups. It is concluded that three experimental groups have achieved significant improvement as compared to control group towards improving motor fitness variables and performance variables. The significance difference between the circuit training on grass is better than circuit training on gravel. Circuit training on gravel is better than compared with circuit training on synthetic fields. Circuits training on synthetic field have shown statistically better for motor fitness variables and performance variables.
Key words: Speed, Endurance, Hockey and Dribbling.
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