2020, January, Volume 10-Number 1 May 11, 2020Author name : | Dr. Kishore J. Maru | ||||
Page no : | 49-53 | Volume : | 10 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2020-45678151/
Dr. Kishore J. Maru1
1 Asstt. Professor, B.P.C.A’s College of Physical Education, Wadala, Mumbai- 400031, Maharashtra, (India) Mobile No.: +919869412807 Email: kishoremaru@gmail.com dr.kjmaru@gmail.com
Background: The regular physical exercises enable the individual to stay physically fit and to sustain the average individual in his daily activities. People approach fitness by various ways and means to keep themselves healthy and fit and Practice of Specific training will help to develop not only physical strength but also mental strength. Research Design: Sixty male students aged 12–14 years were randomly assigned to experimental (n=30) and control (n=30) groups. The experimental subjects, along with daily school schedule, underwent a combination of Specific Training program alternate day for six days in a week for eight weeks whereas control group participated in their regular school schedule only. Materials and Method: At the baseline and after training intervention Physical Wellbeing and School Wellbeing Self Analysed Questioner of General Wellbeing Questionnaire were used to assess. Statistical Analysis Used: Data were analysed by using One Way ANCOVA test. Results: The results revealed that Effect of eight weeks Specific training intervention has potential benefits to improve Physical Wellbeing and School Wellbeing of the Secondary Schools Boys age ranging from 12-14 years. Conclusion: The findings conclude that Specific Training helped to improve Physical and School Wellbeing among school students of age 12 to 14 years.
Keywords: Specific Training, Physical Wellbeing, School Wellbeing, School Students.
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Internet Sources
Sport Specific conditioning
Fitness Tip #11 – What is Sport Performance (Specific) Training?