2018, Volume 8-Number 1 March 12, 2018Author name : | Khalid Khan, Pooja M. and Gajanana Prabhu B. | ||||
Page no : | 51-54 | Volume : | 8 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/03.2018-18522446/
Khalid Khan 1 Pooja M. 2 & Gajanana Prabhu B. 3
1Research Scholar, Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Physical Education, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka 577451 INDIA
2Guest Faculty, Department of P. G. Studies and Research in Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Mysore, Mysore-5, Karnataka INDIA
3Assistant Professor, Department of P.G. Studies and Research in Physical Education, Kuvempu University, Shimoga, Karnataka INDIA Email: prabhuji888@gmail.com
Balance is a fundamental ability of human movement. It is the most inherent human function for producing and continuing movement patterns.The assessment and the periodic monitoring of static and dynamic balance in athletes can be an important mechanism. Balance is an important component of skill related physical fitness aiding in prevention of injury as well as skill development.The objective of the present investigation was to examine the differences in balance ability between sportspersons in indigenous and non-indigenous sports. The subjects in the indigenous (N=119) sports were from Kabaddi and Kho Kho; whereas in non-indigenous (N=199) sports were from Handball, Football and Volleyball. Sportspersons representing Bangalore, Mangalore, Mysore, Karnatak University and Kuvempu University were selected through purposive random sampling technique.The unilateral and bilateral Romberg’s test was used in the present investigation to assess balance of sportspersons. The necessary data was collected by the investigator with the help of a trained helper during coaching camps for inter University level competitions. Apart from descriptive statistics, independent sample ‘t’ test was employed to examine the differences in balance ability. The results revealed that the sportspersons from indigenous sports have high Unilateral as well as bilateral balance as compared to their counterparts in non-indigenous sports. The results are discussed in light of past research findings and conclusion drawn.
Key words: Balance, Indigenous, Non-Indigenous, Sports, Physical fitness.
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