2018, Volume 8-Number 1 February 7, 2018Author name : | Lalita Thakur, 1 & Vinay Pawar PhD, 2 | ||||
Page no : | 36-39 | Volume : | 8 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Lalita Thakur, 1 & Vinay Pawar PhD, 2
1 PGT Physical Education, DPS Mathura Road New Delhi
2 Director of Physical Education Smt. H. R .Patel Arts Mahila College Shirpur Maharashtra
The study was to compare the aerobic and anaerobic capacity of sprinter, jumper and throwers. Therefore, N=30 male athletes with mean age of 21+/-1.25 year were selected as the subjects. These athletes were further, divided into three groups of sprinters (SP), jumpers (JP) and throwers (TR) respectively. Each groups were consists of 10 athletes in the group. The variables of the studies were aerobic capacity (ABC) and anaerobic capacity (ANBC). The 12 minute Cooper run & walk test was used for testing the aerobic capacity (ABC) and 50 meter sprint was used for testing the anaerobic capacity (ANBC) of the selected athletes for three groups. To compare the selected athletes of intervention groups on aerobic capacity (ABC) and anaerobic capacity (ANBC) analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used as statistical procedure with the level of significance at 0.05. The results of the study revealed that there were insignificance difference was found among the selected groups on aerobic capacity. There were significance difference was found among the selected groups on anaerobic capacity. The post hoc test showed thatSprinters followed by Jumpers had high anaerobic capacity.
Keywords: Aerobic capacity (ABC),anaerobic capacity (ANBC).
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