2018, Volume 8-Number 1 February 7, 2018Author name : | Dr., Rajkumar Sharma1 & Devarshi Kumar Chaubey2 | ||||
Page no : | 17-25 | Volume : | 8 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Dr., Rajkumar Sharma 1 & Devarshi Kumar Chaubey 2
1 Sport Authority of India Training Centre,Indore (M.P.) India, Mobile: +91-9229144090 E-mail-
2 Sport Officer, Sandipni Vigyan Mahavidhaylaya, Rahod (Chhattisgarh)India Mobile: +91-9770764817 E-mail-
This thematic research article was prepared on the basis of evidences available in previous research works, literature published by Government of India and citations at internet by different educationist. This research was also based primary and secondary sources related to education problems faced by the students in 21st century in India.
In the present time, rational thinking needs to be done about the real problems and the role of education in modern life after understanding its basics, fundamentals and aims correctly. The requirement of a university degree as a Passport for starting nice and respectable career (white collard jobs) has made a mockery of higher education. Such an attitude has by-passed the need to “educate all”, resulted in negligence of primary and higher secondary education and in over-crowding the institutions of learning. The stress on quantitative increase has subverted all the attempts to improve the quality of teaching and learning. It has led to continuous fall in the academic standards and students’ discipline, regional imbalances in the growth of educational institutions and politics in the temples of learning.
In the modern era of neck to neck competition, one should continuously upgrade knowledge. It is the best way to create a larger base of skilled and trained manpower. Education should instill in students problem-solving attitude and develop the courage to meet the challenges of real life bravely. Instead of offering excuses or blaming others for one’s failures and dissatisfaction, it should inculcate in students the spirit to face the difficult situations in life and make efforts to change their destiny themselves. Education must teach people always try to have control over ones life’s situations and to stand up on his own feet rather than depending on others for moving forward. Success in life depends on developing capacity and courage to take right decisions at right time.
Keywords: Quality, Education, India, Problem, learning, Education all.
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