Volume 7-Number 4, October, 2017 November 5, 2017Author name : | Aejaz Hassan & Dr. P. V Shelvam | ||||
Page no : | 06-10 | Volume : | 7 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2017-56568322/
Aejaz Hassan 1 & Dr. P. V Shelvam 2
1. Ph.D Research Scholar of Physical Education and Sports Sciences Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu Email: aejazhassan28@gmail.com
2. Professor Department of Physical Education & Sports Sciences Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu
Leadership (Ld) is the ability to direct and control the attitude or actions of others. This is especially true when this person exhibits such influence on a group. High Leadership (Ld) individuals usually occupy such positions in a group that commands a certain authority or potential for controlling the behaviour of this group. Low scoring individuals are undependable, obstructive and prefer to be sound followers. They are group dependent and impatient and are likely to escape when faced with responsibility. Self Control may be treated as the ability to bind anxiety. High scoring individuals generally have strong control over emotional life and behaviour in general. The high Self Control person shows socially approved character responses, behaviour control, persistence, foresight, considerateness of others and conscientiousness. Low Self Control (Sc) is major contributor to the anxiety pattern and serves as important signaling the individual’s inability to keep his/her emotions in order. To achieve the purpose of the study, 264 men and women netball players who took part in “All India Inter University netball Championship” held at Punjab University Chandigarh in the year 2015-2016 were selected as population. To assess Leadership (Ld) and Self- Control (Sc) of the players, Multi Dimensional Assessment of Personality (MAP) series was administrated for all 264 Netball players, out of which 214 netball players scored 1-6 in Validity Index; these 214 Netball players were selected as subjects for this study. Further these 214 netball players are divided into two equal groups on the basis of gender (men and women) between the age group of 18 to 26 years. Leadership (Ld) and Self Control (Sc) scores were analyzed by t- test. Results revealed that there is significant difference between mean scores of Leadership (Ld) and Self-Control (Sc) among men and women netball players.
Keywords:Leadership, Self- Control, Gender, MAPS and Netball Player.
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