2021, April, Volume 11-Number 2 June 12, 2021Author name : | Dr. Ambuja Bhardwaj & Dr. Devabrata Kalla | ||||
Page no : | 82-91 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Dr. Ambuja Bhardwaj1 & Dr. Devabrata Kalla2
1 Assistant Professor, Department of Physiotherapy, RIMT University, Punjab (India) E-mail:
2 Professor, S.L.N.G. College of Physiotherapy, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, (India), Email: devabratakalla
Groin pain in competitive sports is a frequent and complex ailment accounting for 2–5% of all sports-related pain development. This pain may be unilateral or bilateral, may involve one or more sites from time to time, and may present acutely, sub acutely or by gradual onset. It typically presents during or after sudden change of direction running where limitation of rotation of the hip is thought to be a contributing factor. The aim of this study is to check the prevalence of Groin Pain on the basis of their Playing Position in basketball players, to estimate the percentage of Basketball Players having Groin Pain and to detect the risk of chronic or longstanding Groin Pain. Based on Inclusion and Exclusion criteria 100 subjects were selected by purposive sampling with 20 players of all positions each. The HAGOS scale was filled by subjects which is a patient-reported outcome measure employing five-item Likert scales.Data was collected according to the scale.The results of the study show that maximum pain prevalence represented by lower HAGOS scores are seen in players who play at Center, Shooting Guard and Power Forward Positions compared with those who play at Point Guard and Small Forward Positions.
Key Words: Groin Pain; Basketball Players; Playing Positions.
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