2021, April, Volume 11-Number 2 June 12, 2021Author name : | Argha Nayak & Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh | ||||
Page no : | 104-109 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: https://doi-ds.org/doilink/06.2021-55657265/IJPESAS/V11/I2/A17
Argha Nayak1 & Dr. Deepak Kumar Singh2
1 State Aided College Teacher, Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyalaya, Bankura, West Bengal Email: arghanayak90@gmail.com
2 Assistant Professor Department of Physical Education Ramananda College Bishnupur, Bankura, West Bengal, Email: deepakpe2014@gmail.com Mobile 8918873871
Sports by their very nature an enjoyable, challenging, all absorbing and require a certain amount of skill and physical condition in order of human values. Ball games is one of the most popular of all the common games and sports. Handball is very fast by its nature and demands a high level of specific fitness. It is game of constant actions and requires continuous adaptations to the changing situation by the team as well as by individual players. Volleyball has a requirement for great deal of planned program to highly trained teams. The purpose of the study was to compare the selected fitness variables between tribal Handball and Volleyball players of Bankura district. Forty (40) male student players of Gobinda Prasad Mahavidyalaya and Ramananda College (20 Handball and 20 volleyball players) were selected as subjects. The average age of the subject was 19.2 years. The performance variables such as speed, strength, agility and cardiorespiratory endurance were measured with a standard test. Product moment correlation was used to established reliability. t-test was used in order to find out the significant differences between the selected variables of Handball and Volleyball players. The significant differences were observed at 0.05 level in speed, leg explosive strength, agility and cardiorespiratory endurance. No significant difference was seen in Arm and shoulder strength.
Keywords: Speed, Strength, Agility, Cardio respiratory, Variables.
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