2021, April, Volume 11-Number 2 June 12, 2021Author name : | Rajib Dey & Dr. Jai Shankar Yadav | ||||
Page no : | 75-81 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Rajib Dey1 & Dr. Jai Shankar Yadav 2
1 Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur (Chhattisgarh)
2 Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education, Dr. C. V. Raman University, Kota, Bilaspur. (Chhattisgarh),
Emotional intelligence is one’s unitary ability to understand, feel and choose emotions in cooperation with a person’s thinking method for behaving in a very correct means, with the final word realization of happiness in himself. The purpose of the study was to compare the sports emotional intelligence of female players of combative and non-combative games. A sample consisted of Sixty one female players of combative (N=27) and non-combative (N=34) games. The age ranged of the participant was 18 to 28 years. . To test the Emotional Intelligence the questionnaire of Dr. C. D. Agashe and Dr. R. D. Helode was used. The emotional intelligence its sub scales on female players of combative and non-combative games were subjected to descriptive analysis (Mean and Standard Deviation), and t-test were used. The results of study revealed that the female players of combative and non-combative games had significant differences in their self-regulation, motivation, empathy and social skill domain of sports emotional intelligence. But Total sports emotional intelligence of female players in both category of games as a whole was also found significant. Female players of non-combative games were found to have more sports emotional intelligence than their counter parts.
Key Words: Female, Combative, Non-combative, game, Players, Emotional intelligence.
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