2021, January, Volume 11-Number 1 February 8, 2021Author name : | Meriline Gogoi1 and Dr. Kallol Chatterjee2 | ||||
Page no : | 53-57 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/02.2021-77211191/IJPESAS/2021/JAN/V11/I1/A9
Meriline Gogoi1 and Dr. Kallol Chatterjee2
1 Assistant Professor, L.N.I.P.E, NERC Guwahati
2 Assistant Professor, Visva Bharati University, West Bengal Email: merilinegogoi@gmail.com
Warm-up has always been an integral part before any physical activity. Although there is a lack of scientific evidence based on the enhancement of performance, the use of warm-up is very prominent among the coaches and athletes. The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of warm-up on 100m swim performance. Ten male swimmers age ranging between 18-21 years with 5 years of minimum experience in competitive swimming (National Level) were randomly selected for the present study from L.N.I.P.E., NERC, Guwahati. Each swimmer performed 100m freestyle at their maximum effort as an individual time trial in two different days with the use (UWP) or no use (NUWP) of warm-up which was counter-balanced by a gap of 24 hours between the experiments. The t-score of 100m Swim Performance was significant as the p-value (.009) is < 0.05 level of significance. Faster time was observed in UWP condition which suggests that the usual warm-up procedures followed before a performance is beneficial for the swimmers. But, the result showed to be insignificant in blood lactate accumulation in either of the conditions. The performance of the participants also depends on the individual variability of the participants.
Key words: Males, warm-up, Freestyle, swimming, performance, blood lactate.
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