2021, January, Volume 11-Number 1 February 8, 2021Author name : | Hari Parkash1 | ||||
Page no : | 58-69 | Volume : | 11 | Issue : | 1 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Hari Parkash1
1 Govt. College, Kharkhara, Rewari, Haryana
The main objective of the present study is to investigate the effect of COVID-19 on the student’s mental health illness and to identify the factors causing mental health problems among the students originated in COVID-19 pandemic era. Efforts have been also made to identify the role of academic institution in controlling and managing the stress among students and to offer recommendations as future course of action to combat mental health problems. Moreover, remedial measure and strategies, role of yoga and meditation to address mental health illness resulting due to conduct of online classes and e-learning is also presented.
Undoubtedly, life is full of challenges, uncertainties, multidimensional and moves through different swing and phases during its entire journey and span. The outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic has affected trade and commerce, health sector, country wide education network, employment and socio economic development across nation. It has also affected the functioning of all section of society and changed the face and pace of life globally. It is obvious that outbreak of corona virus and lockdown as anti epidemic measure resulted in impediment of students from traditional face to face teaching learning and conduct of traditional class. Online education is only viable solution to continue and impart teaching, learning in COVID-19 era as result of forced closure of educational institution. In response to COVID-19 situation, students face several issues, challenges, threats and experience different barriers viz. technological, individuals, domestic, community and institutional in distance e-learning resulting in mental health problems. Keeping in view the same, therefore, it is imperative to understand the sources and impact of mental health problems among students in order to derive adequate and efficient intervention strategies.
Keywords: Corona Virus, COVID-19, Education, Technology, E-learning, Mental Health, Yoga, Meditation, Life-Style.
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