2020, October, Volume 10-Number 4 November 14, 2020Author name : | Devan. C. H | ||||
Page no : | 72-79 | Volume : | 10 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/11.2020-25553547/
Devan. C. H
1 Post Graduate Student, Department of Sociology, Loyola College, Chennai, Tamilnadu,India. E-mail id: deva8ronaldo@gmail.com Mobile-8907687556
Injury is a major threat for every athlete. Youth sports with its increasing competitive features and excessive training methods lead to a situation in which young athletes are highly vulnerable to injuries. In this context, the aftermaths of sports injuries among college athletes who are generally facing variety of adjustment difficulties between their academics and sporting endeavours are studied in a detailed manner. Moreover, the responses of injured college athletes have to be understood from a sociological as well as a psychological perspective. The fundamental purpose of this study is to find out the psycho social impacts of sports injuries on different college athletes from Kerala which is the first Indian state to integrate sports into the educational curriculum. The researcher from his sample which is consisted of 40 injured college athletes, analyses certain study areas such as the different responses of college athletes towards their injured condition, the level of social support perceived by them during rehabilitation, the role of coaches and colleges during their recovery phase, the effectiveness of current treatment methods and so on. The study concludes that the college athletes perceive their injury experiences differently from one another according to their personal traits and living circumstances, and complete social support and recognition is of paramount importance for the well being of both injured and uninjured athletes. As a matter of fact, it is not only the psychological factors, but the sociological aspects also inextricably connected to sports injuries.
Keywords: Sports, College, Athletes, Rehabilitation, Social Support, Mental Well being.
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