2020, July, Volume 10-Number 3 October 6, 2020Author name : | Dr. Sanjay K. Dabhi1 & Dr. Munjal Rami2 | ||||
Page no : | 32-40 | Volume : | 10 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Dr. Sanjay K. Dabhi1 & Dr. Munjal Rami2
1Assistant Director, Department of Physical Education, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, Vadodara, Gujarat 09726283482, Email ID:
2 Assistant Director, Department of Physical Education, Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, Vadodara, Gujarat Mob. No:- 09925980800
The study titled “Improvement of Skill for Selection of University Men Handball Players” was done on Parul University Men Handball players aged above 18 to 24 years. The objective of the study was to improve physical fitness and skill test norms for Inter College handball players and to design grading scale and to find out present physical fitness and skill status of the players. For the study the Inter College handball players gathered for Parul University, Limda, Vadodara, Handball players were considered as the subject for the study. A total of 980 subjects were tested for the study. For the data collection Morphological test (i.e. Standing Height, Body Weight, West Hip Ratio) Physical Fitness (i.e.12 Min run and walk, 50 meter dass , Shuttle Run, Vertical Jump, S.B.J., Sit and Rich, Sit Ups, Push Ups, Handgrip Strength Test) and Skill (Front Shoot, Accuracy Throw, Speed Pass, Agility Dribbling, Footwork) were used, for establishing the norms. The tests were conducted on 980 subjects and the analysis was done. Descriptive analysis was done by calculating the Mean, Median, Mode and Standard Deviation The normality of the scores was tested through skewness and kurtosis. The outliers from the scores were removed using the Box plot method. Percentile method was used to prepare norms. Norms of Physical Fitness Tests (12 Min run and walk, 50 meter dass, Shuttle Run, Vertical Jump, S.B.J., Sit and Rich, Sit Ups, Push Ups, Handgrip Strength Test) and Skill (Front Shoot, Accuracy Throw, Speed Pass, Agility Dribbling, Footwork ) were prepared. The grading system for assessment and evaluation of the player was prepared. To find out the handball players status, they were categorized according to points obtained by players. This study is going to be help to the handball players of Parul University and to the handball clubs and mainly to the handball players and the beginner in this field. The beginner will have some knowledge about the physical fitness and Skill required for selection. It will guide line for the players to improve the performance level and compared to other players and reduce the amount of injuries due to decreased physical and mental fitness.
Keywords:Skill, Handball, Physical Fitness, College Players.
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