2020, July, Volume 10-Number 3 October 6, 2020Author name : | Dr. Jyoti Parle1 & Divya Irkar2 | ||||
Page no : | 01-08 | Volume : | 10 | Issue : | 3 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/10.2020-38451753/
Dr. Jyoti Parle1 & Divya Irkar2
1Associate Professor, MGM College of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. e-mail id: ajparle@gmail.com.
2 Intern, MGM College of Physiotherapy, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. e-mail id: irkardivya@gmail.com
Increasing participation in Karate has led to increasing rate of lower limb injuries-specially ankle sprains have major share. With the hypothesis that ankle sprains can cause instability and hinder balance, purpose of this study was to evaluate Functional Ankle Instability and Balance in Shotokan players. This cross-sectional study included 55 participants in age group 17-25 years. The participants were assessed for Functional Ankle Instability through IdFAI questionnaire, SLBT and mSEBT for static and dynamic balance respectively. Here, ankle range of motion was also taken in consideration. 33% participants reported functional ankle instability. Assessment of Static, Dynamic Balance and Ankle range of motion reported impairment with lower mean values. IdFAI had positive correlation with SLBT in eyes open domain whereas negative with eyes closed of SLBT and all three directions of mSEBT. The study concluded significant prevalence of FAI and had correlation with static and dynamic balance.
Keywords: Shotokan, Karate, Functional Ankle Instability, Balance.
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