2020, April, Volume 10-Number 2 July 2, 2020Author name : | Rini Mary William & Robert Sabestain | ||||
Page no : | 38-56 | Volume : | 10 | Issue : | 2 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/07.2020-77336632/
Rini Mary William1 & Robert Sabestain2
1Lecturer, Jyoti Nivas College, Bengaluru, rini13j@gmail.com Mobile-9742714019
2Staff, Christ (Deemed University), Bengaluru, robert.sabestain@christuniversity.in Mobile-7204203339
The concerns over Corona virus have caused the entire world to adopt a strategy of social distancing and home confinement. With the world going into a shell, this has caused aturbulence in the general economy, along with disorder in the daily lives of the masses. This pandemic has left the sporting world also feel the brunt even more as their life depends on physical activities, outdoor as well as indoor. This pandemic has resulted in a shutdown of gyms, parks, practice arenas and sports fields. Subsequently, major sporting events have been postponed indefinitely. As a result, athletes around the world are feeling the pressure. Psychologists have started the process of studying the impact of this prolonged isolation on the general mental well being of athletes alongside people from other walks of life. With the virulent spread of this virus and the possibility of an extended isolation, it is important to validate the impact of such an isolation on sports persons and study their physical and mental fitness.
This paper proposes to study the coping strategies of athletes in Urban Bengaluru during this lockdown. The time frame chosen for the study is after the Government of India announcing a 21-day lockdown on the 21st March, 2020. The paper further tries to identify the ways in which they continue to work on their physical fitness during this 21-day period of isolation. Further the study proposes to explore the impact of the isolation on their physical and mental wellbeing. The final section highlights certain aspects such as virtual coaching and applications that help athletes to stay fit.
Keywords: Sports, Sportsperson, Quarantine, COVID-19, Fitness, Isolation.
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