2019, Volume 9-Number 4 December 9, 2019Author name : | Amanu Eba, Samson Wondirad and Asim Khan | ||||
Page no : | 01-06 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Amanu Eba 1, Samson Wondirad 2 and Asim Khan3
1 Lecturer, Department of Sport Science, College of Natural Science, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
2&3 Assistant Professor, Department of Sport Science, College of Natural Science, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between joints angles and performance of the javelin throwers of some selected clubs of Oromia regional state, Ethiopia. For the accomplishment of the purpose of this study 20 male javelin throwers from six clubs (Burayu, Lagatafo, Sululta, Sebeta, Adama and Bishoftu) were selected as the subject. To acquire the kinematical data one high speed Nikon: Coolpix P900 video recording camera mounted at a height of 5 feet was placed 10 meters away perpendicular to the throwing line. After the complete warm up the players were asked to perform the event, three chances were given to each thrower and the only the best throw was selected for further analysis. The digitization of the obtained data was done with the help of Kinovea motion analysis software. All statistical procedures were conducted using the SPSS 23.0 Version software. Pearson product moment correlation coefficient was used to find out the relationship between angles joints and seasonal performance of javelin throwers. The finding of this study reveals that there is a significant relationship between shoulder angle joint and the performance (r = 0.73, p<0.05) at the time of before releasing, during release Phase elbow angle (r = –0.66, p<0.05) and wrist angle (r = –0.59, p<0.05) have a significant relationship with performance and in the follow through phase the shoulder angle has significant relationship with performance (r = 0.78, p<0.05). On the basis of the result it is concluded that at before release and follow throw phase shoulder joint angles has significant relationship with the performances and during release phase elbow angle and wrist angle have a significant relationship with the performances of the throwers.
Key words: Biomechanics, Javelin, Impulse, kinematics and Kinetics.
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