October, Volume 9-Number 4 December 9, 2019Author name : | Raina Tiwari & Sarita Sirohi | ||||
Page no : | 23-28 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link :: http://doi-ds.org/doilink/12.2019-93793118/
Raina Tiwari 1 & Sarita Sirohi2
1 Professor, HOD Department of Education , Mata Gujri Mahila Mahavidyalaya, Jabalpur (M.P.)
2Research scholar, Teacher at Army School, Jabalpur
The present study was carried out to find the effectiveness of constructivist approach on variable of English as a subject. The design adopted in the study was quasi-experimental. Purposive sampling method was adopted while selecting the sample for the present study. Four middle schools of Jabalpur city were purposively selected for the study seeking convenience in conducting the experiments for the study. The experimental group (N=200) students were given treatment using Constructivist Approach learning methods whereas the control group (N=200) students were thought through Traditional Method of Teaching. Hence, altogether 400 students of class VIII were considered in the study as a sample. In order to collect the relevant data for the present study, the investigator prepared and used the (i) Educational materials (English Grammar) (ii) Achievement Measuring Tools. The obtained data was classified and tabulated and subjected to statistical treatment using the Mean, Standard Deviation and ‘t’ test. In the light of the findings it may be concluded that male students of selected schools had similar knowledge of English before the experiment as the results showed that boys of control group Obtained ‘t’ value was 1.28, (p>0.05). In contrast to these findings it is concluded that boys and girls of Control groups during were same at the entry level. , control group had also shown significant improved in achievement reason behind that English is a language of practice and since there were regular classes been conducted in all the schools which were considered for the present study. Apart from knowledge construction, certain qualities like working cooperatively in a group, peer understanding and adjustment and also in building self- confidence had strengthened during learning process.
Keywords: Teaching, School, Male students, Constructivist approach.
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