2019, October, Volume 9-Number 4 December 17, 2019Author name : | Amit Kumar & Dr. Divesh Chaudhary | ||||
Page no : | 57-62 | Volume : | 9 | Issue : | 4 |
doi no.: 05-2016-44975451, DOI Link ::
Amit Kumar1 & Dr. Divesh Chaudhary2
1 Research Scholar, Department of Physical Education, S.V.S.U., Meerut (U.P.)
2 Assistant Professor, Department of Physical Education, S.V.S.U., Meerut. (U.P.)
The objective of the study was to investigate lung capacity and blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players. Another purpose of the study was to find out relationship in lung capacity and blood pressure between Kabaddi and wrestling game players. The subjects of the study wear collected from the 100 subjects (50 subjects from kabaddi games, while another 50 subjects were from wrestling games), who were selected from different organizations either affiliated to the government body at center or in the state, to public or private sector, to different sports boards or councils who are engaged in coaching either for kabaddi and wrestling players. The age level of subjects ranged from 20 to 25 years. All the subjects will be the residents at India. Stand and progressive matrices organizational to measure lung capacity between kabaddi and wrestling players, Spiro meter was used and blood pressure measure between kabaddi and wrestling players, Sphygmomanometer was used. To find out significant deference lung capacity and blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players, t-test was used. To find out relationship lung capacity and blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players, Product moment correlation was computed. The result of the data reveals the insignificant difference found was found lung capacity between kabaddi and wrestling players, Significant difference found was found blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players. Further at also shows that significant difference relationship lung capacity and diastolic blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players, insignificant difference relationship systolic blood pressure between kabaddi and wrestling game players.
Keyword: Lung Capacity, Blood Pressure, Kabaddi Game, Wrestling Game, Players.
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